Jake and Tom Conquer the World
The Drunken Dork Podcast Episode 25: The Silver (Age) Anniversary

Join your intrepid hosts on this, their 25th Episode, while they talk about the latest geek news, debate the pronunciations of fictional characters' names, and Tom discovers his newest favorite drink and (oddly enough) the limits of his own bastardness.

As always, be sure to subscribe to us via iTunesStitcher & TuneIn Radio while making sure to give us that golden "5-Star" rating.  Be sure to keep up with us over at our Wordpress site and our Facebook page, and give us some feedback by emailing us at drunkendorkpodcast@gmail.com

Copyright 2015 Thomas Coe, Jacob Wilson & Travis Adle

Music Courtesy Jackson Smith, via http://freemusicarchive.org

Sound Effects Courtesy http://freesfx.co.uk

Direct download: 25._The_Silver_Age_Annivesary.mp3
Category:TV & Film -- posted at: 12:25am EST